WELCOME to Draw Western Theater!
If you are a fan of the Western Genre you are going to love this show! Movies! Classic Western TV and everything in-between! Draw Western Theater has it ALL!

Draw Western Theater is on the air! We cover everything from the silent classics to the modern westerns! Motion Pictures and TV shows and everything in-between! Stories about your favorite stars and the lesser- known co-stars! behind the scenes tales you may never have heard! Draw Western theater has it ALL! If you love the Western genre then pull up a chair to the table and join in on Draw Western Theater!
The way you remember it!

Draw Western Theater
We are proud to be shown on Richmond Kentucky’s very own WBON Channel 9.
See us at our NEW time 8PM on Saturday nights! Primetime!

“Pull up a seat at Wardell’s Gaming Emporium and set your bet on the Faro Table!

Draw Western Theater has Movies, TV Classics and everything inbetween! Here are just a FEW of our shows!

Draw Western Theater has Lee Van Cleef! We have the Legends you remember and LOVE!

Draw Western Theater has Gregory Peck in the Western Classic The Gunfighter! But it also features an all new featurette in the beginning!

Draw Western Theater has the BEST of the Classic Western TV Shows! Join us in the frozen Yukon for Sergeant Preston!

Draw Western Theater has Holiday shows! Cowboy goes on a GHOST hunt while we watch Jessie James Meets Frankenstein’s Daughter

Draw Western Theater has Yancy Derringer! Watch the classic show Starring Jock Mahoney and learn the basics of Faro!

Draw Western Theater has Spaghetti Westerns! From Leone to Collizi! Hill to Steffens! We have them!

Draw Western Theater has Audie Murphy! Michael Dante! Randolph Scott! Even the Duke himself! All the greats are here!

Draw Western Theater has the history of the REAL West and the history of Hollywood REEL Westerns! You will find it all here!
The Cast of Characters
The Good, The Bad and the UglyWhen you watch Draw Western Theater you can pull up a chair and we will deal you in! Meet the players!

George E as THE KIDD
The Kidd is as tough as they come. A former Circus performer who specialized in knives. He went to work for his Uncle in some of the roughest toughest places in the West. Now he is the Case Keeper at Wardell’s gaming Emporium. This is one Kidd that you don’t mess with.

John G. Rice as John Noble Wardell
John Noble Wardell is a former Civil War Veteran although we have no idea who he fought for or with! His reputation as a fast gunman is only surpassed by his reputation as a great gambler. He owns Wardell’s Gaming Emporium. His establishment is known to be one of the few square deal places in the territory. But make no mistake, Wardell deals with cheaters harshly and quickly. Stay on his good side.

Robert Scott Johnson as Texas Ranger Captain Jacob Hawkinsl
When the hanging Juddge Parker needs a man brought to justice he send for Texas Ranger Captain Jacob Hawkins. A decorated Officer and a well known shootist. This Texas Ranger has faced the worst of the worst. He will bring the wanted man back, riding in the saddle or laying across it.

George Bonilla as The Cowboy
A gunfighter with a code. This man is known to walk the fine line between the good and the bad. He will play a hand and take the winnings. He loves a good story and a stiff Whiskey. He won’t bother you but he won’t be trifled with and he won’t see others done wrong!

Bud Robinson as Colorado Bob AKA Yukon Rober
One of the roughest meanest hombres you will ever meet. Then, he hit it rich in the Yukon! You can put him in a silk top hat and a fancy coat but can you take the bad out of the man? The biggest change is that now when he gets into trouble he can buy his way out!

John Paul Davis as Senator Artemis Jackson
The Honorable Senator Jackson seems to be from the great state of Kentucky. But, also seems to be in no hurry to return home. His reputation as a gambler is well known. He also is known to carry a scatter gun. One barrel loaded with rock salt to take care of varmints. the second barrel loaded with a slug for when things get serious.

Tinslee Brock as Little Annie
One of the bright spots in this dangerous territorry. Little Annie’s Mom is the towns only schoolmarm by day and a Hostess at Wardell’s Gaming Emporium at night. So, Little Annie is just as at home in a schoolroom or at a Faro table!

Gregory W. Brock as Big Nate Harvey Roberts
Ranger say’s he is not a bad guy. However he has seen hsi share of trouble. Sometimes he is just taking care of hiself and doesnt know his own strength. Big guy with a big heart and huge fists!

Laura Elaine as Jane
Her parents moved her from the comfort of the Eastern coast to the Wild West! She sees it as a big adventure. One of the best horsewomen in the area, She can outride and outrope most of the Cowboys!

Anthony Townsend as Sheriff Able
There is a new Sheriff in town! Rumored to be a former redleg in the Civil War Able has taken over as the law in this dusty town. Already ey deep in graft and corruption he is a perfect fit for this territory!
Sometimes the cure is worse than the cold!

Director-George Bonilla.
Producers: Tammy Bonilla
Gregory W. Brock
Cary Brock
102 Frankie Dr
Richmond, KY 40475
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